a bit of this, a bit of that...

Living in a new country, finding new hobbies and resurrecting old ones,
learning something new about myself and the world everyday...

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

These boots are made for selling...


I've just recently started a new job, working as the Sales and Customer Service Manager for Bennetts Boots. It's a great company formed by Amanda Bennetts, all because she couldn't find boots that fit. This business has grown a great deal in it's short lifetime and has a million more miles to go! On the verge of U.S. and U.K.website launches, this company is in a very exciting place right now.I know there is a lot of work ahead but I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes, and wearing some sweet boots while I'm at it!

These are the boots I have one today, well.. been pretty much everyday because I have been living in! They are called Louvre's, and also come in Dark Chocolate. I literally only take these off to sleep... and sometimes wonder how they would look with my pajamas.

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